Who is Melina? Kick streamer Destiny is allegedly "out" after his wife became "obsessed with a toxic

YouTuber and Kick streamer Steven "Destiny" and his wife, Melina Goransson, have gone viral after alleged screenshots of the former's messages began circulating on social media. For those unaware, Melina is a 25-year-old Swedish internet personality. Steven and she have been married since 2021 and quite candid about their open relationship.

YouTuber and Kick streamer Steven "Destiny" and his wife, Melina Goransson, have gone viral after alleged screenshots of the former's messages began circulating on social media. For those unaware, Melina is a 25-year-old Swedish internet personality. Steven and she have been married since 2021 and quite candid about their open relationship.

During an episode of the Lex Fridman Podcast, Melina said:

"The only relationships I've ever done have been open relationships since I was like, in high school because I didn't really understand like why wouldn't you be able to, like, do other things with other people but then just like have your main partner, basically. Not a monogamous relationship. Like, you're somehow allowed, like, in different ways, you can see other people s*xually."

Melina is also a partnered Twitch streamer, having joined the Amazon-owned platform in 2019. She primarily broadcasts Just Chatting and Pools, Hot Tubs, and Beaches content. At the time of writing, Melina boasted over 900.2k followers on her channel.

The streamer couple recently made headlines as Destiny claimed in alleged Discord screenshots that he was "out" since Melina has become obsessed with a "toxic/abusive guy."

What allegedly happened between Destiny and Melina? Viral social media posts explored

On December 7, 2023, a particular post on the r/Destiny subreddit garnered traction. A community member claimed that Steven had "unfollowed or blocked" Melina on social media platforms. They also stated that an emote called "melW" had been removed from the political commentator's channels.

Here's what the Redditor wrote:

"It's all ogre (over)... Update: melW has been removed. Update 2: Joever Edition - all pics with Melina are gone from his Instagram. Final (?) update: Melina has been kicked out of the apartment."

The situation prompted numerous netizens to speculate about what was going on, with some believing that the streamer couple would separate:

Eventually, on December 8, 2023, a Discord screenshot began circulating online, in which Destiny appears to be stating he was "not gonna 'nuke' Melina."

Stating that the last two months had been a "massive mind-f**k" for him, the indefinitely banned Twitch personality claimed that Melina got obsessed with a "toxic/abusive guy":

"I'll have a small convo when I'm back about things, I'm not gonna 'nuke' Melina or anything, but the last two months (and two weeks) have been a massive mindf**k for me, watching her become obsessed with a toxic/abusive guy."
Screenshot of Destiny's alleged Discord message (Image via @UselessIcarus/status/1732643777720795243)

Steven went on to say that the individual gave Melina an "ultimatum." He elaborated:

"(when I visited Sweden last, he gave Mel an ultimatum to divorce me and then threatened to kill himself when she didn't do it, among 20 other abusive/manipulative things he's done), and endlessly make excuses for him, so I'm out. Anyway, have fun with moobies for three days, good luck, cya on the 9th or 10th."

Neither Destiny nor Melina had given any additional information about the situation at the time of writing.

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