Karlie Kloss denies the Taylor Swift breakup: Dont believe everything you read

Speculation about The Kaylor Breakup has been churning for months now. Even Jennifer Lawrence chimed in, wondering aloud what the hell happened between Karlie Kloss and Taylor Swift. For year, Tay and Karlie were BFFs. Even within the performative friendship Girl Squad, Karlie and Tay seemed real, like they were truly close, spent a lot

Taylor Swift and Karlie Kloss in Tribeca

Speculation about The Kaylor Breakup has been churning for months now. Even Jennifer Lawrence chimed in, wondering aloud what the hell happened between Karlie Kloss and Taylor Swift. For year, Tay and Karlie were BFFs. Even within the performative friendship Girl Squad, Karlie and Tay seemed “real,” like they were truly close, spent a lot of time together and told each other secrets. I’ve never been a 100% Kaylor Truther, in the sense that I don’t completely believe that they were secret girlfriends and their friendship-breakup was masking a romantic breakup. But many people believe that. What we did know for sure is that Swifty and Klossy did seem to be over, from all outside appearances. So this is… interesting…?

It’s the question all Americans, including Jennifer Lawrence, want answered: What’s going on with Taylor Swift and Karlie Kloss? In a new interview with the New York Times, Kloss cautioned us all against paying attention to gossip. “Don’t believe everything you read,” she said.

In the interview, which was mostly about her coding camp for teenage girls (“Kode With Klossy”), Kloss opened up ever-so-slightly about her personal life, telling Times reporter Caroline Tell that she and Swift remain friends, and that they “talk frequently.” She was more expressive when it came to discussing her friendship with Serena Williams, however. “Serena is one of the most extraordinary women on the planet,” she said. “She challenges the status quo in so many ways, and I learn from her constantly.”

But Kloss and Swift talk frequently! Don’t believe everything you read. Kloss straight-up refused to discuss her relationship with Josh Kushner, the Democrat brother of Jared Kushner. “My relationship has nothing to do with this interview,” she said. But … her friendships with Swift and Williams are relevant to the story? What kind of media training is Kloss getting? I am more confused about the state of her personal life than ever before.

[From The Cut]

Never before have I so needed Taylor Swift to perform her friendship more than right now. Is it possible that people have completely worked themselves into a tizzy over nothing, that Taylor truly did take a step back from being so everywhere, all the time, and that Tay and Karlie are still good friends? Sure. It’s possible. But how likely is it? If Karlie says they talk all the time and Karlie is still Swish-Swishing and hanging out with Katy Perry and seemingly not spending any time with Tay, what does it all mean?

Swish swish 🏀❤️ Love Advent ‘17 thank you @THELOVEMAGAZINE @kegrand pic.twitter.com/MNIwz5aczq

— Karlie Kloss (@karliekloss) January 1, 2018

Taylor Swift and Karlie Kloss out in New York

Photos courtesy of WENN.

